Indian Economy MCQs

Indian Economy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for SSC, State and all One Day Examinations of India. Objective Questions on Indian Economy for competitive examinations. These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App

1. Which of the following is/are Money Market Instruments?
[A] Treasury Bills
[B] Commercial Papers
[C] Certificate of Deposits
[D] All of the above

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2. Who among the following Indian Economists played a crucial role in inception of MNREGA?
[A] Amartya Sen
[B] Jean Dreze
[C] Jagdish Natwarlal Bhagwati
[D] Dr. Vijay Kelkar

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3. If the people prefer to keep cash with them rather than deposits, which among the following impacts will be seen on the Money Supply of the country?
[A] The money supply of the country will increase
[B] The money supply of the country will decrease
[C] The money supply of the country will not change
[D] The money supply of the country may increase or decrease

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4. Economic Planning comes under which of the following lists ?
[A] Union List
[B] Concurrent list
[C] State List
[D] None of them

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5. Which among the following is NOT an instrument of qualitative control in India ?
[A] Regulation of the Consumer Credit
[B] Rationing of the Credit
[C] Margin Requirements
[D] Variable Costs and Reserves

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6. Which among the following is a correct definition of the “Inflationary gap”?
[A] The difference between total spending at full employment level and total spending above that level.
[B] The difference between the price of a product at a time and price of that product at some different time
[C] Difference between the national expenditure and total expenditure
[D] Difference between Estimated fiscal deficit and actual fiscal deficit

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7. Which among the following is a money market instrument of shortest tenure?
[A] Notice money
[B] Call money
[C] Near Money
[D] Term Money

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8. The time period between jobs when a worker is transitioning from one job to another is known as__:
[A] Turnover unemployment
[B] Cyclical unemployment
[C] Structural unemployment
[D] Frictional unemployment

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9. Which of the following would ‘tighten’ the liquidity situation of banks?
[A] Increased sales of government securities to individuals or institutions who pay for them from their bank
[B] Regulations requiring the banks to maintain positive end-of-day balances with the Bank of England
[C] Both 1 and 2
[D] Lower levels of taxation and reductions in tax receipts to the Treasury

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10. Which of the following is component of capital market?
[A] Equity market
[B] Debt market
[C] Derivative market
[D] All of the above

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