1. ‘Litoria Mira’, that has been discovered from the rainforests of New Guinea, is a ……….?
[A] Snake
[B] Frog
[C] Otter
[D] Toucan
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Correct Answer: B [Frog]
A team of Australian scientists has discovered a new species of a tree frog from the rainforests of New Guinea.
Also called as the “chocolate frog” due to its chocolate colour, it belongs to the Australasian tree frog genus Litoria. Hence the new species was named as ‘Litoria mira’. The closest known relative of this new species is the Australian green tree frog.
2. Which state/UT launched the Chief Minister’s Sishu Sewa Scheme?
[A] Uttar Pradesh
[B] Assam
[C] Bihar
[D] Chhattisgarh
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Correct Answer: B [Assam]
The Assam government has recently announced Chief Minister’s Sishu Sewa Scheme for the welfare of those children who lost parents due to COVID-19.
Monthly scholarship of Rs. 3,500 per month would be given to those children who lost their parents but have their extended family members. Free residential educational facilities would be provided to children who don’t have extended family members.
3. Which state has introduced India’s first city sewage surveillance system?
[A] Tamil Nadu
[B] Karnataka
[C] Maharashtra
[D] Uttar Pradesh
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Correct Answer: B [Karnataka]
The state government of Karnataka has introduced a city sewage surveillance system in Bangalore. This is aimed to track coronavirus at an early stage.
This effort of Karnataka is supported by USAID (United States Agency for International Development) and COVIDactionCollab (CAC). CAC is supporting the state by providing training to sanitation workers in collecting samples and analysing them in labs.
4. Which state has recently launched a solar-based electrification programme for its rural households?
[A] Uttar Pradesh
[B] Odisha
[C] Assam
[D] Goa
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Correct Answer: D [Goa]
The State Government of Goa headed by Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has launched a solar-based electrification programme to provide power connectivity to rural households of the state.
This project aims to deliver renewable power to the households, where grid connectivity is not possible. In this regard, the Goa Energy Development Agency (GEDA) has entered into an agreement with Convergence Energy Services Ltd (CESL).
5. Which of the following sectors have been included in ECLGS 4.0?
[A] Civil aviation
[B] Agriculture
[C] Construction
[D] Ship Building
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Correct Answer: A [Civil aviation]
The Union Government has launched the Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) 4.0 and has expanded the scope of the scheme by including the civil aviation sector and loan to health institutions for on-site oxygen generation.
Under ECLGS 4.0 a maximum loan of 40% of the outstanding loan, or Rs 200 crore whichever is lower can be availed by borrowers from financial institutions.
6. What was India’s fiscal deficit for 2020-21 as per the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) data?
[A] 10%
[B] 9.3%
[C] 8%
[D] 3.5%
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Correct Answer: B [9.3%]
As per the data released by the Controller General of Accounts (CGA), India’s fiscal deficit for 2020-21 stood at 9.3% of the gross domestic product (GDP) for the financial year 2020-21. This is lower than the Finance Ministry’s Budget estimates of 9.5%.
As per the CGA data, the revenue deficit stood at 7.42% during 2020-21.
7. With reference to Covid, what are ‘Kappa’ and ‘Delta’?
[A] New Measure of Covid spread rate
[B] New Labels for Covid variants
[C] New category in Covid positivity rate
[D] New Global vaccine initiatives
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Correct Answer: B [New Labels for Covid variants]
The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced new labels, using Greek alphabets, for various variants of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19).
As per the WHO, Covid variant first found in India (B1.617.2) will be referred to as Delta, while earlier found variant in the country (B.1.617.1) will be known as Kappa.
8. As per the new system in PMGKP, the Insurance companies will approve and settle the claims based on the certificate of …………..
[A] Home Ministry
[B] District Collector
[C] Registrar General
[D] District Court
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Correct Answer: B [District Collector]
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package (PMGKP) Insurance Scheme for Health Workers Fighting COVID-19’ was launched to provide personal accident cover of Rs. 50 lakh to all healthcare providers.
Recently, a new system for approval of claims has been introduced. The District Collector will certify that the claim is in accordance with SoP of the Scheme and on the basis of this certificate, Insurance Company will approve and settle the claims within a period of 48 hours.
9. Leading rating agency Moody’s Investors Service, has pegged India’s GDP growth at which level, for FY22?
[A] 9.3%
[B] 11.3%
[C] 13.3%
[D] 14%
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Correct Answer: A [9.3%]
Leading rating agency Moody’s Investors Service has pegged India’s GDP growth at 9.3% for the financial year 2021-22. It has further estimated India’s GDP growth at 7.9% for FY23.
The agency has stated that India’s economic activity would be affected by reimposition of lockdown measures along with investment behavioural changes, but the same would not have deep impact on the economy as that during the first wave.
10. What is the name of the programme, in which the Government distributes kits of higher yielding varieties of seeds to farmers?
[A] Seed Minikit programme
[B] HYV Seeds programme
[C] Seeds Distribution programme
[D] Seeds to Farmers programme
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Correct Answer: A [Seed Minikit programme]
The Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar launched the Seed Minikit Programme by distributing kits of higher yielding varieties of seeds to farmers.
It aims to introduce new varieties of seeds to the farmers and helps in increasing the seed replacement rate. The mini kits are being provided by the National Seeds Corporation (NCS), NAFED and Gujarat State Seeds Corporation and wholly funded by the Union through the National Food Security Mission.