41. Which two countries share the location of the “Septentrional-Oriente fault zone”?
[A] Haiti and Dominican Republic
[B] Haiti and Honduras
[C] Haiti and Nicaragua
[D] Haiti and Costa Rica
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Correct Answer: A [Haiti and Dominican Republic]
Haiti and the Dominican Republic are the two countries that share the location of the “Septentrional-Oriente fault zone”. The Septentrional-Orient fault zone (SOFZ) is a system of active coaxial left lateral-moving strike-slip faults that runs along the northern side of the island of Hispaniola where Haiti and the Dominican Republic are located and continues along the south of Cuba along the northern margin of the Cayman Trough.
42. Which country lies to the west of Jordan?
[A] Syria
[B] Israel
[C] Iraq
[D] Saudi Arabia
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Correct Answer: B [Israel]
The Republic of Jordan is an Arab country which lies in the west Asia region. Israel shares its borders with Jordan in the immediate East.
43. In which region of Latvia, the Razna National Park is situated?
[A] Latgale
[B] Courland
[C] Vidzeme
[D] Riga
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Correct Answer: A [Latgale]
The Razna National Park is situated in the Latgale region of Latvia. It was designated in the year 2007 and it covers an area of about 596 sq. km.
44. Which of the following is longest river of the Republic of Nicaragua?
[A] Kukra
[B] Rio Coco
[C] San Juan
[D] Wawa
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Correct Answer: B [Rio Coco]
The longest river of Republic of Nicaragua is river Rio Coco. It is located in the Somoto Canyon, Madriz department, Nicaragua. Its total length is about 750 km.
45. The Island nation of Palau is located in which ocean?
[A] Pacific Ocean
[B] Atlantic Ocean
[C] Indian Ocean
[D] None of these
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Correct Answer: A [Pacific Ocean ]
The Island nation of Palau is located in Oceania, in the western pacific ocean. It is situated over an area of 466 square kilometers. It is the 4th smallest country population-wise and 16th smallest country by area in the world.
46. Stars twinkle but planets do not twinkle because__:
[A] they emit light of a constant intensity
[B] their distance from the earth does not change with time
[C] they are very far away from the earth resulting in decrease in intensity of light
[D] they are nearer to the earth and hence we receive a greater amount of light and therefore minor variations in intensity are not noticeable
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Correct Answer: D [they are nearer to the earth and hence we receive a greater amount of light and therefore minor variations in intensity are not noticeable]
Stars twinkle because they are point light sources. Passing through the atmosphere, the small beam of light constantly shifts by bouncing off particles in the air. The much closer planets appear instead as tiny disks in the sky. Their apparent sizes are usually larger than the pockets of air that would distort their light, so the effects of scintillation are negligible. Being closer, planets appear as discs, with the shifting of light from one side cancelling out the other.
47. When does the sun shine vertically on the Equator ?
[A] Throughout the year
[B] For six months
[C] Twice a year
[D] Once a year
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Correct Answer: C [Twice a year]
When the Sun is vertically above the equator, the day is of equal length all over Earth. This happens twice a year, and these are the “equinoxes” in March and in September. Between the two tropic zones, which includes the equator, the Sun is directly overhead twice per year. Outside the tropic zones, whether to the south or north, the Sun is never directly overhead.
48. On which date, the longest day and the shortest night of the year occur in the Northern Hemisphere?
[A] 21 June
[B] 21 March
[C] 22 December
[D] 23 September
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Correct Answer: A [21 June]
In the Northern Hemisphere the summer solstice, the longest day and shortest night of the year, occurs around June 21st. The opposite day, the shortest of the year, is the Winter Solstice, which occurs around 21 December each year.
49. Which atmospheric layer is farthest from the Earth’s surface?
[A] Stratosphere
[B] Exosphere
[C] Ionosphere
[D] Mesosphere
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Correct Answer: B [Exosphere]
Extending from the top of the thermosphere to 10,000 km above the earth is the exosphere which is farthest from the Earth. This layer has very few atmospheric molecules, which can escape into space.
50. What is the name of mid latitude grassland in South America?
[A] Prairie
[B] Pampas
[C] Veld
[D] Steppes
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Correct Answer: B [Pampas]
The grasslands are found in the middle latitudes of South America, North America, Africa and Asia. In the North America, they are known as prairies. In South America, they are called pampas. Central Eurasian grasslands are referred to as steppes, while in Africa they’re named savannas. The climate of the Pampas is generally temperate, gradually giving away to a more subtropical climate in the north and to a semiarid climate on the western fringes.