Multiple choice questions on Medieval Indian History for General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations. These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App
1. Who among the following was the Sultan at Delhi when the Vijayanagar empire was founded?
[A] Firoz Tughlaq
[B] Sikandar Lodi
[C] Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
[D] Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
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Correct Answer: D [Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq]
Vijayanagar was a South Indian Hindu empire, founded in 1336 by Harihara and Bukka during the region of Sultan of Delhi Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq.
2. Kamal-ud-Din Abd-ur-Razzaq ibn Ishaq Samarqandi, a Persian Islamic Scholar, visited which Indian city during early 1440s?
[A] Surat
[B] Calicut
[C] Chennai
[D] Chinsurah
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Correct Answer: B [Calicut]
Calicut is a metropolitan city in the state of Kerala in southern India on the Malabar Coast. Kamal-ud-Din Abd-ur-Razzaq ibn Ishaq Samarqandi visited Calicut in early 1440s. He wrote a narrative of what he saw in Calicut which is valuable as information on Calicut’s society and culture.
3. Hamim Humam who was the chief of Royal School (Pathshala) adorned the court of which Mughal Emperor?
[A] Akbar
[B] Jahanagir
[C] Humayun
[D] Shahjahan
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Correct Answer: A [Akbar]
Hamim Humam was one of the Nav Ratnas of Akbar.
4. Hazi Ibrahim Sarhindi is known to be a Persian Writer during the reign of Akbar was translated the following Sanskrit work in Persian?
[A] Ramayana
[B] Mahabharata
[C] Atharva Veda
[D] Rigveda
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Correct Answer: C [Atharva Veda]
Notes:Akbar had a committee of scholars with cross lingual expertise. Some of them were Naqeeb Khan, Mulla Abdul Qadir Badayuni, Mulla Sheri and Sultan Haji Thanesari.
- In that era Mahabharat was translated into Persian and was renamed as Razm Namah (Saga of the Battlefield).
- Ramayana was translated by Mulla Abdul Qadir Badayuni. Badayuni also took up the task of Singhasan Batisi into Persian , which was later titled Khurd Afza in Persian.
- Atharva Veda was translated by Haji Ibrahim Sirhindi. Rajataringini by Kalhana was translated by Maulana Shah Mohammad Shahabadi. Panchtantra were rendered into Persian by Mulla Hussain Waiz and it was called Anwar-i-Suhaili.
- Panchatantra was also translated in Persian by Maulana Husain Faizi and its translated name was Yar-i-Danish.
- Abul Fazal, Vazeer of Akbar and author of Akbarnama had translated Panchatantra in persian as Anvar-i-Saadat.
5. Prithviraj Raso of Chand Bardai was originally written in which of these languages?
[A] Hindi
[B] Awadi
[C] Mewari
[D] Brij Bhasha
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Correct Answer: D [Brij Bhasha]
Chand Bardai, the court poet of Prithviraj Chauhan had written the epic poem in Brij Bhasha.
6. During the end of which of the Mughal rulers the Mughal empire faced the problem of jagirdari crisis?
[A] Humayun
[B] Akbar
[C] Jahanagir
[D] Aurangzeb
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Correct Answer: D [Aurangzeb]
The jagirdari crisis during the reign of Aurangzeb led to an unhealthy competition among the nobles to gain control over the fertile jagirs. The jagirdars faced the insecurity of getting transferred within a short period.
7. Which among the following Mughal Emperor was also known as “Ali Gauhar”?
[A] Bahadur Shah Zafar
[B] Shah Aalam II
[C] Muhammad shah
[D] Aurangzeb
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Correct Answer: B [Shah Aalam II]
Ali Gohar is known as Shah Alam II. He was the sixteenth Mughal Emperor and the son of Alamgir II. Shah Alam II became the emperor of a crumbling Mughal empire.
8. Who among the following is the Persian mathematician and poet composer of the world famous Rubbayat?
[A] Omar Khayyám
[B] Muhammad Iqbal
[C] Sultan Bahu
[D] Mirza Ghalib
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Correct Answer: A [Omar Khayyám]
Rubbayat is written by Omar Khayyam. It is collection ruba i.e .persian poems.
9. The ‘Ashta Diggajas’ adorned in the court of which ruler of South India?
[A] Srikrishna Devraya
[B] Harihara Raya I
[C] Bukka Raya I
[D] Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya
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Correct Answer: A [Srikrishna Devraya ]
In the court of an emperor Sri Krishna Deva Raya (1509-1529 AD), a ruler of the Vijayanagara Empire, the group of eight Telugu poets (also known as Ashtadiggajas) were regarded as the eight pillars of his literary assembly.
The Ashta Diggajas were Allasani Peddana, Nandi Thimmana, Madayyagari Mallana, Dhurjati, Ayyalaraju Ramambhadrudu, Pingali Surana, Ramarajabhushanudu, and Tenali Ramakrishnudu. In his reign, Telugu literature and culture reached its zenith
10. Which among the following departments created by Allauddin Khilji to enquire into the revenue arears and to collect them?
[A] Diwan-i-Mustakhraj
[B] Diwan-i-Arz
[C] Diwan-i-Riyasat
[D] Shahna-i-Mandi
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Correct Answer: A [Diwan-i-Mustakhraj]
Allauddin Khilji created new department viz. Diwan-i-Mustakhraj to enquire into the revenue arears and to collect them.