Multiple Choice Quiz Questions (MCQs) on Ancient Indian History for General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations. These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App
1. In the Junagarh inscription, which among the following Saka ruler achievements are highlighted?
[A] Moga
[B] Azes
[C] Rudraraman
[D] Nahapana
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Correct Answer: C [ Rudraraman ]
The military achievements, territories and many personal qualities of Rudraraman are highlighted in the famous Junagadh inscription, written in 150 AD. It is the first major inscription to be written in sanskrit.
2. Before ascending the Maurya throne, Ashoka was the viceroy of which of the following?
[A] Taxilla
[B] Ujjain
[C] Pataliputra
[D] Kandhar
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Correct Answer: A [ Taxilla ]
Before ascending the Maurya throne, Ashoka was the viceroy of Taxila.
3. Which Ashokan inscription prohibits animal slaughter?
[A] Major rock edict III
[B] Major rock edict I
[C] Major rock edict IV
[D] Major rock edict V
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Correct Answer: B [ Major rock edict I ]
The Major rock edict I of Ashoka prohibits animal slaughter and holidays of festive gathering. Only two peacocks and one deer were killed in Asoka’s kitchen. He wished to discontinue this practice of killing two peacocks and one deer as well. On the other hand, Major Rock Edict II mentions medical treatment for men and animals, construction of roads, wells and tree planting.
4. Which of the following was the capital of early Cholas?
[A] Madurai
[B] Karur
[C] Uraiyaur
[D] Kaveripattnam
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Correct Answer: C [Uraiyaur]
Uraiyaur, now a locality in Tiruchirappalli, was the capital of the early Cholas. It was famous for its cotton trade.
5. In context of Sangam Age, which among the following was the ruling class in society?
[A] Arasar
[B] Kadaisiyar
[C] Enadi
[D] Pandyas
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Correct Answer: A [Arasar ]
Notes:Arasar is a Tamil word used to refer to the rulers or kings of the Sangam period in ancient South India. The Sangam period spanned from the 6th century BCE to the 3rd century CE. The Sangam period refers to the history of ancient Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and parts of Sri Lanka.
The term “arasar” can also refer to the ruling class. The other castes in the Sangam period were:
- Anthanar, who played a significant role in the Sangam polity and religion
- Vanigar, who carried on trade and commerce
- Vellalar, who were agriculturists
The Sangam period dynasties were the Cheras, Cholas, and Pandyas. Important rulers included Cheran Senguttuvan, Karikala, and Neduncheliyan.
6. Sarnath, is related to which among the following events in the life of Buddha?
[A] First Sermon
[B] Last Sermon
[C] Mahaparinibbana
[D] Dhammachakkapavattana
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Correct Answer: A [First Sermon]
The deer park in Sarnath is where Gautama Buddha first taught the Dharma, and where the Buddhist Sangha came into existence through the enlightenment of Kondanna. It was also the site of the Buddha’s Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, which was his first teaching after attaining enlightenment, in which he taught the four noble truths and the teachings associated with it.
So either A or D can be marked as the correct answer.
7. The “Rajtarangini”, described the history of which region in India as per Kalhana?
[A] Kashmir
[B] Malwa
[C] Magadha
[D] Gandhar
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Correct Answer: A [Kashmir]
The “Rajtarangini”, written by the Kashmiri poet-historian Kalhana in the 12th century, provides a detailed historical account of Kashmir. It is recognized for its comprehensiveness and adherence to historical facts. Regarded as the first attempt at historiography in the Indian subcontinent, the Rajtarangini presents Kashmir’s history, starting from mythical antiquity to the 12th century. It was written in Sanskrit language, and it consists of over 7,800 verses.
8. Indus Valley site at Surkotada is located in which state?
[A] Rajasthan
[B] Haryana
[C] Gujarat
[D] Punjab
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Correct Answer: C [Gujarat]
The Indus Valley site at Surkotada is located in the Rapar Taluka of the Kutch district of Gujarat, about 160 km northeast of Bhuj. The ancient mound is surrounded by a rising ground with small sandstone hills.
9. “All Indians are Free and not even one of them is a slave”. Who among the following has observed the above about the Mauryan Empire?
[A] Megasthenes
[B] Hiuen Tsang
[C] Ashoka
[D] Strabo
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Correct Answer: A [Megasthenes]
Megasthenes in his book Indica wrote all Indians are free and not even one of them is a slave.
10. Saptanga Theory which deals with the seven limbs of ancient political structure was propounded by ?
[A] Manu
[B] Kautilya
[C] Panini
[D] Bhaskara
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Correct Answer: B [Kautilya]
Saptanga theory of state was given by Kautilya in Arthashashtra. The seven limbs are King, Amatya (Bureaucrats) , Janapada (territory), Durga (Fort), Kosa (Treasure), Danda (coercive authority) and Mitra (ally).