Your Suggestions Required Please ….

It has been our tradition to incorporate our readers suggestions in our blog. Some of our readers keep suggesting the improvements on this blog. Here is what one of our regular reader who also closely watches the minor changes in our blog , says:
  1. The mega quiz arrangement is not fine, so Mega quizzes should be replaced with another arrangement.
  2. There should be a daily quiz on current affairs with 10 questions with related notes everyday thus a total of 260-300 questions every month on current affairs and further subdividing the quizzes in National, International, Sports, Business & Economy and Banking current affairs.
  3. Apart from this, the reader also wants me to reduce the number of the questions on quizzes from current number of 20 to 15 (and make a regular work, as it was our schedule a few months ago) other subjects like, Indian History, Geography, Polity, Constitution, Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.
  4. This reader wanted me to make an arrangement like this:
  • Sunday: Keep for a model test paper for IAS or a break
  • Monday: 10 questions on National Current Affairs + 15 questions on Indian History + 10 new words in vocabulary
  • Tuesday: 10 Questions on International Current Affairs + 15 questions on Indian geography + 10 new words in vocabulary
  • Wednesday : 10 Questions on Economy + 15 questions on World geography + 10 new words in vocabulary
  • Thursday: 10 Questions on Banking + 15 questions on Botany & Zoology+ 10 new words in vocabulary
  • Friday : 10 Questions on Sports + 15 Questions on Physics & Chemistry + 20 Questions on Computer Awareness
  • Saturday: 15 questions on Indian Constitution + 20 questions on Marketing.

Apart from this Daily Updates in a very short and concise form are also demanded every day. The reader says that this arrangement if can be worked out, we can keep a balance within the reader community.

I would like you people to please suggest on this arrangement. You may leave your comments or send mail to


  1. Anonymous

    March 8, 2010 at 6:13 am

    Do not devote a day for particular subject like history or geography instead you can have quiz on it once in 15 days .majority of people who read this blog are preparing for bank PO or clerk exams which do not include history or geography questions…for them GA, computer , marketing ,vocab, grammar Will be more i request you to kindly consider or Bank po and clerk aspirants before making major changes to blog.

  2. DIVYA

    March 8, 2010 at 7:39 am

    Sir, I really appreciate the fact that u r ready to consider our requests too before deciding on the issue..
    but sir, I really feel that this pattern may be good, but do not change it immediately… since v had been accustomed to the way GKtoday usually runs, it would be a discomfort due to the sudden change.. but if a majority support this pattern, then u may go for it.. but my suggestio would be to wait till may end since then the IAS prelims exam will be over…

  3. jyoti singh

    March 8, 2010 at 7:56 am

    i agree with dis given suggestion(comment) must more consentrate on current affairs and english vocabulary coz only these are mostly asked in all kind of exms.

    not all aspirants r intrested in other subjects,but current affairs and english are common to all.

    quizes on perticular subject could be given within 15 or 20 days.

  4. jyoti singh

    March 8, 2010 at 7:56 am

    please never divide days subject wise,it would'nt be helpful for all readers.

  5. Hyd

    March 8, 2010 at 7:56 am

    Its harsh move if you remove the history and geography questions from this blog.This blog mainly supports who are preparing civils and state exams rather than banks.

  6. jyoti singh

    March 8, 2010 at 8:10 am

    please more concentrate on current affairs and english grammer coz we dont wanna read paper or some dont get enough time to read.

  7. Anonymous

    March 8, 2010 at 9:26 am

    we need asusual 20 daily questions and more questions which help us 2 takle in d exams and provide us more banking terminologies and recent happenings and developments in bankings and current affairs in economy and trade and happenings around the w orld which help us a lot and please do provide questions which haunts us in gk part of banking exam sir more quiz on banking pattern GK

    thank you

  8. Anonymous

    March 8, 2010 at 9:48 am

    ya, sir. i am totally agree with first responder. The people, who are regular visitors of this blog are mainly PO or banking focused students. so if u include history, geography, science and allied subjects, it will be not much useful for them, so please do not include it. Before taking ur decision u should take a look the responders of current affair quiz, they are mostly giving exams of banking sector. ya, there are also some examines of MBA,and other general examination, but they must be considered as seasonal only. i request u to include the questions of GK,vocab, computer, marketing, finance, economics.


  9. Anonymous

    March 8, 2010 at 10:00 am

    yes i also want to say the same as scope is mainly now in bank po, clerical exams and majority people need Gk, Vocab, mktg and computers and please consider this

  10. Mohan

    March 8, 2010 at 10:40 am


    Dont make this blog for single examination pattern based I would suggest you to let users choose what they want. Keep its name as General Knowlegdge Today & if you want you can create separate section for IAS Exam students & povide them their required material. As Students prepairng for IAS will be much less than the students prepring for other Exams like PO,Bank,CDS,NDA etc.

  11. Anonymous

    March 8, 2010 at 11:59 am

    Rightly said….we need more questions on pure PO based exam pattern..not much deviation from that. thanks

  12. Rajinish

    March 8, 2010 at 4:51 pm

    The pattern is awesome …….. but don't reduce the no of questions . Atleast 20 should be there.

    My suggestion is put vocabulary and Civils model test on sunday.

    No need of three days.

  13. Anonymous

    March 8, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    superbbbbb no changes r required

  14. Anonymous

    March 8, 2010 at 6:19 pm

    please post about all schemes and yojana

  15. Anonymous

    March 8, 2010 at 6:19 pm

    it is not too much helpful for bank po exam gk

  16. Anonymous

    March 8, 2010 at 9:12 pm

    i would say dat d quiz should be based on days i.e on monday one kind of subjct and another on another day,dis will help ppl as dey can gain more info on d subjct dat dey like and prefer,dey dont have to go thru all d ques to find out wich subjct or part dey lokkin for..dis will also help dem in remembering d information as all d similar topics will be covered in a day…also once again i applaud u for doing such a commendable job..hats off to u sir also i have decided dat i will help wid whatever small amount i can as i start to work to help u in publicising and advertsising d site..god bles you sir

  17. Anonymous

    March 8, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    I'm a regular reader of this gr8 site. At first thnx a lot for ur help…it's totally untrue that only bank or some specific exam oriented readers follow this. I'm a upsc aspirant. I informed many of my friends about ur site and from different stream they are getting help from u.
    I think in every xm CURRENT AFFAIRS/ GK are very important and people face problem only in these. Common subjects are available in market by famous authors but CA/GK are not like that. I can tell you that max guys like ur CA/Gk portion & this is important too. Plz Dn't make ur site boring like some other website, where a particular pattern is followed with no new idea. u have made this in ur own unique way, plz keep it up. Everyone try to suggest in their own way and I think u r d best person to decide how to help us.. Thank you sir…

  18. abhijeet gaurav

    March 9, 2010 at 12:09 am

    Since I don't know what are the aspirations of individual readers…I won't comment who use this website aspirants or civil service oriented people….but I would sincerely request you not to shed your "area of specialty"…because then you'll love your job….It's not fair to expect everything from a single I would just say that you decide in which way you can benefit your readers to the max. You may include other sections as and when your time and energy permit…

  19. the Y

    March 9, 2010 at 2:18 am

    I will also prefer status quo. It takes more effort on your part in selecting and putting it up, than on our part in reading and assimilating. Let this site not be bound by the whims of the exams, which in anycase are open ended. Knowledge just for the bloody sake of it – that should be the mantra!

    Democracy, taken to its limit, is mobocracy. Let there be no dilution of the high standards this site has set, just because people want to limit it by syllabi of exams!

    When in doubt, follow the 'KISS' principle – 'Keep It Simple Stupid' :)

  20. Anonymous

    March 9, 2010 at 4:23 am


    I liked the pattern which you said….
    Dont jus concentrate on one exam either PO's or Civics
    keep it in such a way that it will be helpful for both ..bcoz if you giv importance to Po's ppl like us wil struggle ….

    And sir giv more stress on current affairs bcoz the others we can get it from some book but it do follow ur website daily for current affairs
    so please dont neglect them for others …

  21. Anonymous

    March 9, 2010 at 4:55 am

    1. There will be both civils aspirants and Bank PO aspirants but the people who are preparing for civils generally don't rely ONLY on your site but out of my experience many PO apsirants depend ONLY on your site for their preparation.

    2. The number of people appearing for civils will be around 5 to 10% of the people appearing for bank PO and clerical exams

    3. so, please maintain a separate section for Bank exams with daily notes and exams, but you can continue your remaining things as usual.

    once again THANKYOU for your tremendous help

  22. Anonymous

    March 9, 2010 at 5:46 am

    please place IAS based quiz specially for upcoming exam on 23 may.

  23. Rakesh Kumar

    March 9, 2010 at 9:29 pm

    If you wanted to divide the sections in daywise then please a particular day for bank po aspirants and another day for upsc aspirants instead of mixing the both as the new schedule shows and also increase the number of questions in banking current affairs sections as i feel that instead of your very hardwork still we are not getting most of the questions from this blog in the bank exams current affairs.

  24. Admin

    March 9, 2010 at 11:15 pm

    The idea is to deliver you what you want, my friends. I have tried my best to make a balance in everything I do on this blog. I agree with what "the Y " says that "dont limit it by syllabi of exams" and the comment by Mohan "Dont make this blog for single examination pattern based I would suggest you to let users choose what they want."

    But ultimate goal of mine is to help you in exams and eradicate the GK Phobia. Once you are selected, you probably don't need to come to this site.

    The essence of all voices is that all of you want current affairs everyday which are as one of you said "Not avaialable in Market in my way of presenting current affairs".

    I can't replace the History & Geography content available in the market since I also use the same content for my studies, I study more than an average IAS aspirant.

    By writing this post , I just wanted to bring out what is more essential and I feel that all of you agree with me that you need Current Affairs in this world of infomation overload almost everyday. Thats why I choosed to provide you more material on CA which are useful for all examinations. There are no hard and fast rules my friends!Its like a family and "Brainstroming" is required time to time.

  25. Prerna Dixit

    March 9, 2010 at 11:15 pm

    I would just like to suggest an addition..regarding the quiz and current affairs this site is the best i have ever come across ..But I cant find any material regarding GDs being conducted for bank PO entrance ,,,So please do include that and some more attention on interview questions also….These additions will make this site a comlete preparatory material for various competitive xams specially the bank xams…

  26. ttej

    May 23, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    Its a very good pattern. We will get in touch with every subject.


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