World’s Newest Nation: Bougainville

The autonomous region of Bougainville has voted in the referendum vote overwhelmingly in favour of becoming independent from Papua New Guinea, paving the way for the islands group to become the newest nation in the world.
Over 180,000 people from the Bougainville Islands flung 700km in the Solomon Sea, off the coast of Papua New Guinea and participated in the referendum vote over the last few weeks. 176,928, making 98 per cent of the people voted for independence and 3,043, a less than 2 percent voted to remain as a part of the greater autonomy under Papua New Guinea.
Note-The referendum vote is non-binding, it may still take some time for Bougainville to become a nation as the leadership of Papua New Guinea and Bougainville will have to negotiate and the final say whether Bougainville will be allowed to break from the rest of Papua New Guniea will depend entirely upon the negotiations.

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