World Happiness Index 2018: India ranks 133

India was ranked 133rd among 156 countries inWorld Happiness Index 2018, recently released by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
The index ranked 156 countries based on factors (parmaters) such as inequality, life expectancy, GDP per capita, social freedom, generosity, public trust (i.e. a lack of corruption in government and business) and social support. Together these parameters are used to generate a happiness score of country on a scale from 1 to 10. This year it is sixth such list released since it was first published in 2012. The 2018 report, for the first time ranked happiness of foreign-born immigrants in 117 countries.

Key Facts

10 Happiest Countries: Finland (1st), Norway (2nd), Denmark (3rd), Iceland (4th), Switzerland (5th), Netherlands (6th), Canada (7th), New Zealand (8th), Sweden (9th) and Australia (10th). United States was ranked 18th down from 14th place last year. Britain was 19th and United Arab Emirates at 20th. In 2018 rankings, top-10, as ever dominated by Nordic countries.
The entire top ten were wealthier developed nations. But the report mentioned that money is not the only ingredient in the recipe for happiness. The entire top ten were wealthier developed nations. But the report mentioned that money is not the only ingredient in the recipe for happiness.
India’s ranking: The world’s largest democracy’s rank fell to 133rd position from 122nd last year. India was behind majority of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) nations apart from war-ravaged Afghanistan, which was ranked 145th. Pakistan (ranked 75th) and China (86th) were well ahead of India in happiness index despite being not the most democratic or free country.
SAARC nations: Pakistan (75th), Nepal (101st), Bhutan (97th), Bangladesh (115th), Sri Lanka (116th).



  1. Dr.Anand Kar

    March 16, 2018 at 2:34 pm

    Pakistan (75th), Nepal (101st), Bhutan (97th), Bangladesh (115th), Sri Lanka (116th), all SAARC nations are well ahead than India on World Happiness Index 2018, in which India ranks 133. It appears neither a state Govt nor the central is interested to keep the masses happy. Every where there is problem, whether it is ease of getting the work done or file passed in Govt offices or moving/driving in the cities, getting proper education, proper medical facilities, getting over the problem of corruption or any thing else. Has M.P.Govt, which has created an “Anand ministry” done any thing significant? Govt. of India should take this issue seriously.

  2. ashman

    November 17, 2018 at 8:04 pm

    india has no patient in her mind so thats why it rank got down

  3. Mr.karimulla Basha

    June 26, 2019 at 2:55 pm

    The main reason for the 133 rank in the happiness index is mostly all the Indians feel more responsible towards their family and society.


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