World Environment Day 2021

World Environment Day (WED) is being observed on June 5 under the theme “Ecosystem Restoration”. It will be hosted by Pakistan.

Significance of the day

Amid the ongoing covid-19 pandemic, which the world has been fighting for 1.5 years, WED has become more significant. Pandemic has shown how disastrous ecosystem loss can be. As the area of natural habitat for animal is shrinking pathogens like coronavirus are easily spreading. Thus, only healthy ecosystems can enhance livelihoods, counter climate change and stop collapse of biodiversity.


On the occasion of WED, UN  kicked off “UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030)”, which is a global mission to revive billions of hectares of forests, farmlands,  mountains ecosystem and marine ecosystem.


WED is celebrated on June 5 each year to encourage awareness and environmental protection. As United Nations says, this day provides us an opportunity to broaden basis for enlightened opinion and responsible conduct by individuals, communities and enterprises to preserve and enhance the environment. It is celebrated by engaging governments, celebrities, businesses, and citizens shift their focus  on eradicating environmental issue.


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