World Economic Forum Survey: World loses hopes in Climate Science; Indians are most-trusting

The World Economic Forum published its opinion poll during its 50th annual meeting in Davos. The annual meeting was called for urgent upskilling and better climate education.


According to the survey, India and Bangladesh are the most trusting people in climate science. The citizens of both the countries keep themselves updated about the happening of the world. Also, they trusted the climate scientists and their discoveries. India was followed by Bangladesh, Pakistan, China and Turkey.

On the other hand, Ukraine and Russia lagged the most when it comes to updating themselves about climate science.

The report says that the world has lost its trust in climate science. According the survey, the world believes that global warming is mainly due to human activities.

About the Survey

The Survey was held in 30 countries covering 76% of world population. The survey has been presented on the 2020 theme which is

Theme: Toward More Sustainable World and Toward a more Cohesive World.


The survey is important to learn about the status of mind and opinion of world population in different part. This forms the base to organize campaigns. The survey will now act as the major decision maker when it comes to design the type of awareness campaign to be adopted in a specific region.


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