World bank's Power Accessibility List: India jumps 73 Spots to be ranked 26th

India has jumped 73 spots to be ranked 26th in World Bank’s electricity accessibility list. The country was ranked 99th in 2014. Out of the 18,452 villages which lacked electricity, over 13,000 has been provided access to electricity. In addition, a person applying for new electricity connection would be able to get the connection within 24 hours in areas where power infrastructure is available and in areas where there is no power infrastructure, electricity connection would be given in a week. The government’s rural electrification programme is on track for completion within the targeted 1,000 days.


The flagship scheme Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi with an aim to provide 24×7 uninterrupted electricity supply to each rural household across the country by 2022. It aims to strengthen sub-transmission and distribution network to prevent power losses. It focuses on feeder separation for rural households and agricultural purpose. The other features include metering at all levels including at input points, feeders and distribution transformers and strengthening of Micro grid and off grid distribution network of rural electrification.
The Ministry of Power has also launched a new app, GARV-II  to provide real-time data of all six lakh villages of the country. The app is envisaged to ensure transparency in the implementation of rural electrification programme.




    May 15, 2017 at 6:52 pm

    very nice current affair


    May 15, 2017 at 6:52 pm

    very nice current affair


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