Working on a Warmer Planet: ILO Report

According to a recent report by International Labour Organization (ILO) titled- Working on a Warmer Planet – The Impact of Heat Stress on Labour Productivity and Decent Work, India will be the most affected country due to global warming. The major impact would be on agriculture and construction sectors of the country.

Key Highlights of Report

India will be the most affected country primarily because of its large population. Also, the costs may be higher without mitigating climate change.

Working Hours: It projects that India would lose 5.8% of working hours in 2030 due to global warming. The loss of working hours will be due to temperature being too hot to work or because workers work at a slower pace.

Productivity: In an absolute term India is expected to lose equivalent of 34 million full-time jobs in 2030 in productivity due to global warming.

Although most of global warming impact in India will be felt in agricultural sector but, increasing working hours are expected to be lost in construction sector, where heat stress affects both male and female workers.

Heat stress: is defined as generally above 35 degrees Celsius (or 95 Fahrenheit), in places with high humidity.

Based on: These projections by ILO are based on a global temperature rise of 1.5 degree Celsius by end of 21st century and labour force trends.

ILO report also noted that Ahmedabad (in Gujarat) incorporated a cool roofs initiative into its 2017 Heat Action Plan. Under it notably provided access to affordable cool roofs for city’s slum residents and for urban poor.

About ILO

It was founded on 29 October 1919 with Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland

It was United Nations first specialised agency.

Mandate: to advance social justice as well as promote decent work by setting internationally accepted labour standards.

Members: 187 member states: 186 of the 193 UN member states plus the Cook Islands are members of the ILO.


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