Wind Power in India

Today India is a major player in the global wind energy market. In terms of wind power installed capacity, India is ranked 4th in the World.?

The Indian wind energy sector has an installed capacity of nearly 37 GW with power potential and generation stations spread equally in all regions of the country. Though South and Coastal India have taken a lead in installed capacity. However, the wind power potential in India is far from exhausted.

Installed Wind Power Capacity in India

  • Among all Indian States, Tamil Nadu leads in the total installed capacity of wind power in India. It is followed by Gujarat, Maharashtra and Karnataka respectively.
  • While most wind power plants were land-based, the modern plants are now looking to be situated offshore.?

Wind Energy Potential of India

The Indian Wind Energy Association (IWEA) estimates that with the existing level of technology, the ?on-shore? potential for the utilization of wind energy that will be used for electricity generation is nearly 102 GW. This unexploited resource availability of wind energy has the potential to sustain the growth of the renewable energy sector in India in the future.

Steps being taken to increase Wind Power in India

The government has amended the authorized timeline for land acquisition for wind power projects from 7 to 18 months. This will enable the wind power project developers to complete projects efficiently in states where land acquisition takes a longer time.? It has also increased the window for revision of declared Capacity Utilisation Factor (CUF) of wind power project to three years. However, it can now be revised only once.

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