Why Indian Daughters are at Disadvantage?

In India caring for elderly parents is considered a moral, cultural and religious duty. But married daughters are exempt from this responsibility, as once married, they form “a part of the family” they marry into, and as daughters-in-law, are more responsible for looking after the in-laws than their own parents. Moreover, even the parents consider living off the earnings of a married daughter morally wrong.

Financial Independence

  • The financial dependence of the Indian Women is one of the driving factors behind this peculiar behaviour of preferring sons over daughters.
  • India ranks extremely low at 121 out of 131 countries in terms of female labour force participation.
  • In India, only 27 per cent of adult Indian women are in the labour market, compared to 79 per cent of men.
  • A few years back the Economic Survey talked about “unwanted girl children,” girls whose parents wanted sons instead. It pegged this number of unwanted girl children at 21 million.

Societal Structure

As a result of this financial dependence, there is insidious underinvestment in resources and opportunities of girls. This societal structure with a preference for sons has persisted in India because for too long sons have usually been the earning members of a household. Daughters instead are dependent on their husbands. No wonder then that parents prefer living with sons.

Legal Interpretation

In the case of Vasant vs. Govindrao Upasrao Naik where a couple filed an application seeking maintenance from their eldest son under Section 125(1)(d)of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which compels a person to maintain their parents, the Bombay High Court has said that a married daughter too should share the responsibility of her parents.

Delivering the verdict the High Court rejected the pre-conceived notion that a married daughter has obligations only toward her husband’s family and not her own parents.

Need for a Change

Even in 21st century India there has been a preference for a male child and the disabilities continue to be entrusted on daughters as they are seen as a liability and sons as assets. This mindset needs to be changed.

Indian parents need to invest in their daughters to be financially independent and ensure that daughters of India are not at a disadvantage due to parochial societal structures.

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