WHO warns against Overpriced Vaccines

World Health Organization (WHO) has warned the countries against overpriced covid-19 vaccines substandard covid products.


  • WHO warned after concern over danger of buying overpriced vaccines from intermediaries.
  • WHO reminded countries that, countries should buy vaccines certified by WHO and make sure to identify origin of vaccines and covid product.

What was the issue?

Intermediates were selling one vaccine at a much higher price than actually sold by manufacturers. This issue of role of intermediates for buying vaccines was raised after a middleman in United Arab Emirates was caught selling Sputnik vaccines to Ghana and Pakistan at a double price. Several substandard and falsified covid products are being commercialised with vested interests.

What WHO has advised?

WHO has advised countries to either buy directly from manufacturer or to contact manufacturer in order to ensure if intermediate is legal.

WHO certified covid vaccines

WHO has approved eight COVID-19 vaccines so far for emergency use including- Oxford–AstraZeneca, Moderna, Sinovac, Pfizer-BioNTech, Sinopharm-BBIBP, and Johnson & Johnson etc.

Fact for exam

Mariangela Batista Galvao Simao is Assistant Director-General for Access to Medicines and Health Products at WHO.


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