WHO team to visit China to investigate origins of COVID-19

A team from the World Health Organization is to visit China next week to investigate the origins of the COVID-19 virus.


According to the Indian Chief Scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan, the team will conduct a through research on how the virus transmitted to humans. Was there an intermediate animal or if the virus jumped directly from bats to humans.


According to WHO, China did not inform about the spread of COVID-19. It was the WHO country office in China that picked it up in January 2020. US was concerned that WHO was lately becoming China-centric. This was especially after the spread of COVID-19 as WHO did not take actions to find the root cause of the origin of the disease.

Also, several countries during the assembly meet of World Health Organization wanted to begin an investigation about the origin of the disease. The resolution to begin the investigation was framed by Australia and was supported by more than 100 countries including India.


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