WHO study on physical activity-India ranks 8th

The World Health Organization on November 22, 2019 published its study about physical activity of adolescents aged between 11 and 17 years. The study was conducted across 146 countries with the help of data from 298 school-based surveys. The assessment included physical education, active play, recreation and sports, walking, planned exercises and cycling.

Highlights: India

India was ranked eighth reporting lowest level of physical activity. Though, India was one of the top performers around 74% of adolescents showed insufficient physical activity.

In India the overall insufficient physical activity in 2001 was 76.6% and has now decreased to 73.9% in 2016.

The lowest level of insufficient physical activity among girls was seen in India. It was potentially explained by the social factors like increased domestic chores.

The improvements in India can very be linked with recent initiatives of the government towards physical health. It includes Fit India Movement, plogging, a separate ministry for Sports, adopting yoga, etc.

Highlights: World

Bangladesh topped the list and the United States was ranked fourth. The study found that more than 80% of school going adolescents did not meet WHO recommendation of at least one hour of physical activity per day.

Philippines was the least performing among boys, with 93% of adolescents (boys) showed least interest towards physical activities. Among girls, South Korea was the least performer with 97% of them reporting physical inactivity.

The study says that globally four out of five schools were insufficiently physically active.


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