Who is the newly elected President of the International Gymnastics Federation (IFG)?

Who is the newly elected President of the International Gymnastics Federation (IFG)?
[A]Emilia Romagna
[B]Morinari Watanabe
[C]Georges Guelzec
[D]Bruno Grandi

Morinari Watanabe
Morinari Watanabe from Japan has been elected as the new President of the International Gymnastics Federation (IFG) at the world governing body’s congress in Tokyo, Japan. He will succeed Bruno Grandi, who is stepping down as FIG president in December 2016 after 20 years in charge.With this, Watanabe has become the first Asian to head IFG and is the first Japanese President of an Olympic international federation since Ichiro Ogimura was President of the International Table Tennis Federation from 1987 to 1994. The headquarters of IFG is at Lausanne, Switzerland.

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