Who among the following Indians has been conferred with “Order of Friendship” award by Russia, recently?

Who among the following Indians has been conferred with “Order of Friendship” award by Russia, recently?
[A]Suresh Pandyan
[B]R S Sundar
[C]Kishan Singh
[D]Ramesh Kulkarni

R S Sundar
Russia has awarded ‘Order of Friendship’ to Director of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant (NPP) construction site Ramayah Shanmuga Sundar. It reflects the growing strategic partnership between Delhi and Moscow. The NPP Kudankulam is under construction in India with Russian assistance in accordance with Intergovernmental agreement of 1988. The first 1000 Megawatt Unit of the plant was connected to national power grid in 2013. The second Unit is scheduled for launch in 2016.

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