Who among the following has been chosen for Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize 2015 in the academic category?

Who among the following has been chosen for Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize 2015 in the academic category?
[A]Thant Myint-U
[B]Vandana Shiva
[C]Ramachandra Guha
[D]Nalini Malani

Ramachandra Guha
The Indian historian, Ramachandra Guha has been chosen for Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize 2015 in the academic category. The prize will be conferred upon him on September 17, 2015 in Fukuoka International Congress Center, Japan. He is best known for his book ‘India after Gandhi: The history of the world’s largest democracy” , a history of India after it gained independence from the British Empire on August 15, 1947.

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