Who among the following has been appointed as a member to the high-level panel on health by United Nations (UN)?

Who among the following has been appointed as a member to the high-level panel on health by United Nations (UN)?
[A]P M Bhargava
[B]Yusuf Hamied
[C]Devi Prasad Shetty
[D]Ashok Seth

Yusuf Hamied
Indian scientist, Yusuf Hamied has been appointed as one of the member of the United Nations (UN) high-level panel on health technology innovation and access. The panel consist of 16 eminent individuals with a deep knowledge and understanding of the public health, human rights and legal issues associated with access to treatment etc. The panel will be co-chaired by former President of Switzerland Ruth Dreifuss and former President of Botswana Festus Mogae. Yusuf Hamied, the non-executive chairman of generic pharmaceutical manufacturer Cipla, offered the world’s first affordable AIDS medicine at the unprecedented cost of USD 1 per day in 2001.

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