Which of the following European country has declared a state of economic emergency, recently?

Which of the following European country has declared a state of economic emergency, recently?
[C]United Kingdom

The French President Francois Hollande has recently declared a state of economic and social emergency to redefine country’s economic and social model. To tackle the emergency, he has set out a €2bn (£1.5bn) job creation plan. France’s unemployment rate is 10.6%, against a European Union average of 9.8% and 4.2% in Germany. To revive long-stagnant economic growth and reduce chronic unemployment, the government has proposed series of economic measures. Under a two-year scheme, firms with fewer than 250 staff will get subsidies if they take on a young or unemployed person for six months or more. Additionally, approx. 500,000 vocational training schemes will be created.

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