Which of the following campaign has been launched by the Union Government for differently-abled people?

Which of the following campaigns has been launched by the Union Government for differently-abled people?
[A]Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan
[B]Sulabh Bharat Abhiyan
[C]Sojanya Bharat Abhiyan
[D]Sanskirti Bharat Abhiyan

Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan
The Union Government has launched the “Accessible India Campaign” (Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan) on December 3, 2015. The campaign seeks to make at least 50 % of all government buildings in the national capital and all state capitals “fully accessible” for the disabled by July 2018. It is a nationwide flagship campaign for achieving universal accessibility for persons with disabilities and to create an enabling and barrier free environment, with a focus on Built Environment, Public Transportation and Information and Communication Technologies. The campaign would involve making transport, public space, tourist places, international airports, railway stations and information and communication technology in India differently-able friendly.

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