Which is the highest e-waste generating country in Asia?

Which is the highest e-waste generating country in Asia?
[D]North Korea

The top three Asian nations with the highest e-waste generation in absolute quantities are China (6.0Mt), Japan (2.2Mt) and India (1.7Mt). As per UN report, India is the fifth biggest producer of e-waste in the world, discarding 1.7 million tonnes (Mt) of electronic and electrical equipment in 2014.


  1. Ajoshi

    April 27, 2015 at 10:23 am

    Q1 in this quiz doesn’t list India as the polluter. How can India be fifth largest then?

  2. suraj

    May 22, 2015 at 3:59 pm

    plz tell me Que1 and Que4 vin detail


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