Which constitutional provision deals with the establishment of a Finance Commission?

Finance Commission is provided for in Article 280 of the Constitution. The First Finance Commission was constituted in 1951 under the Chairmanship of Mr. K.C. Neogy. It is constituted every five years by the President, to make recommendations relating to the distribution of financial resources between the Union and the States. It consists of a Chairman and four other members, and its recommendations specifically relate to :-

(1) distribution between Union and States, the net proceeds from taxes;

(2) principles governing grants-in-aid to revenue of States out of Consolidated Fund in India.

(3) any other matter referred to by the President.

Discuss the significance of 86th amendment.

86th Amendment (2002) was a path-making amendment as it laid down that the right to education is fundamental right. This amendment inserted Article 21 A in the Part III of the Constitution which provides that, the State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age 6-14 years. The amendment was also made in Article 45 by making provision for early childhood care and education below the age of 6 years. In Article 51 A in Part IV viz. Fundamental Duties, the provision was made that the parent or guardian shall have the duty to provide opportunities for education to his child between 6 years-14 years.

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