Which committee has been constituted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to study on household finance in India?

Which committee has been constituted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to study on household finance in India?
[A]D B Shekatar committee
[B]Arvind Subramanian committee
[C]U K Sinha committee
[D]Tarun Ramadorai committee

Tarun Ramadorai committee
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has constituted Dr. Tarun Ramadorai committee to study various facets of household finance in India and benchmark India’s position against both the peer countries and advanced countries. The committee will also study the reasons behind the deviation of financial allocations of Indian households like the large household allocation to gold. It will evaluate the design of new systems and the redesign of existing systems of incentives and regulations to encourage and enable better participation by Indian households in formal financial markets.

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