Which among the following states has been conferred with the Krishi Karman Award 2013-14 for record grain production?

Which among the following states has been conferred with the Krishi Karman Award 2013-14 for record grain production?
[C]Madhya Pradesh
[D]Tamil Nadu

Punjab has been conferred with the Krishi Karman Award 2013-14 for producing more than 10 million tonnes food grain on an annual basis. Odisha won the award in food grain category second (annual production from 1 to 10 MT). Meghalaya won third category award (annual production under 1 MT annually). In crop wise Chhattisgarh (Rice), Madhya Pradesh (Wheat), Assam and Tamil Nadu (both in Pulses), West Bengal (Coarse Cereals), Gujarat (Oil Seeds) won the awards.

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