Where does India stand globally in terms of COVID-19 testing?

The globe is fighting with COVID-19. There are nearly 7 lakh people who are currently infected by the virus all across the world. This data is excluding those who have already been infected and died due to it. All the country is focusing on testing and isolating the patients from the rest of the people so as to prevent the wide transmission.

India’s position

USA is currently at number one in terms of testing. The country has tested nearly eighty-four million people till date and counting. Whereas, India has done testing of merely 41 million people till date. Though USA has conducted large number of tests than India, its population is four times less than the population of our country. If we follow US testing pattern then till-date we should have completed testing of our whole population. Which seems undoable right now. Turkey with testing of 7 million people and Italy with testing of 5 million people stands at third and forth rank respectively. Many hospitals in India don’t have beds to take patients, they advise for home isolation and only accept admission when the patient is critically ill. This ill number of testing may not bring good outcomes for the nation. If the testing is not done properly then we won’t be able to trace those affected. If the affected goes untested they will spread the virus more widely.


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