WhatsApp Chatbot of GoI launched to curb fake news crossed 1.7 crore users

The Government of India had earlier created Whats App Chatbot to curb fake news being spread about COVID-19 virus in the country.

About the Chatbot

The Chatbot was launched to answer all the queries related to the virus. It is designed to provide all the information related to COVID-19. At first, GoI launched MyGov Corona Helpdesk when India was in Phase I, in the spread of the disease.

The Chatbot was at first launched in the platform of Whats App as the reach here is quicker. Later it was expanded to Telegram through a MyGov Corona News desk Channel. Also, a dedicated helpdesk was launched on Facebook.

Today, there are more than 1.7 crore users of WhatsApp Chatbot


India is trying to contain the spread of the virus through every means. The Digital India that helped reach internet to masses and “National Broadband Mission” that helped take internet to remote places are now playing crucial role in spreading awareness about COVID-19. The Mission aims to provide internet

What is a Chatbot?

A Chatbot uses the technology of Artificial Intelligence. It is a computer program designed to simulate human conversations. It operates independently without a human operator. In simple terms, a computer answers queries generated by the users.


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