What provisions of the Indian Constitution tilt it towards unitary types?

The Indian Constitution does not fully embody the federal principle because the Centre can in certain contingencies encroach upon the field reserved for the States. The power of intervention given to the centre is inconsistent with the federal system, for it places the States in a subordinate position. There are many provisions which make the Constitution unitary in nature.

The following provisions of the Indian Constitution tilt it towards unitary types:-

(i) Governors are appointed by the president (Article 155 and 156). The president can veto some of the state laws (Article 200, 288).

(ii) Under the article 249, the parliament is empowered to make laws with the every matter enumerated in state list. The parliament of India may from new states, it may increase or diminish the area any state and it may change the boundaries or name of any state (Article 3). Parliament is empowered to make laws with respect to any matter enumerated in the state list during emergency.

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