What is World’s largest democratic event?

India started its democratic journey 67 years back, when it adopted its constitution on 26th January 1950. The people of India for the first time used their voting rights in the first general elections in the year 1951 and chose the representatives who represented them, their constituencies as well as their grievances in the parliament. India became a constitutional democracy with a parliamentary system of government, and at the heart of the system lied a commitment to hold regular, free and fair elections.

Elections in India: World’s largest democratic event

In India, general elections are conducted for electing of a New House of the People or Lok Sabha and is the largest event in the world. The proof of it being the largest event is that in the recent elections of 2014, it involved around 814 million voters in nearly nine million polling booths spread across widely varying geographic and climatic zones as these polling stations were located in the Himalayas, in the deserts of Thar as well as meagerly populated islands in the Indian Ocean.

Elections are conducted by the Election Commission of India according to the provisions made under the Indian Constitution. Also, the rules and regulations before and after the elections are look after by two important legislations passed before the first elections, that are Representation of People Act, 1950 which deals with preparation of electoral rolls and Representation of People Act, 1951 which mainly deals with conduction of the polls and post election disputes.

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