What is Web 3.0? How it will be different from Web 2.0?

On July 19, 2022, Wipro reorganised its operating model from being industry-organised to market-organised. Under this transformation, it has target to invest USD 1 billion in cloud services vertical and emerging areas like web 3.0. Web or World Wide Web is the basic stage for how internet is used. It provides website and application services.Web 3.0 is the third generation of evolution of web technologies. It is still evolving. Thus, its universally accepted definition is still not clear. It will use the block-chain based technologies extensively and emphasis on decentralized applications. It will also use machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), in a bid to empower intelligent and adaptive applications.

Importance features of Web 3.0 include:

  • It may be constructed with AI and semantic web, in a bid to provide fast and relevant data to end users.
  • It provides for social bookmarking search engine. It will thus provide better results than Google because results will be based on users’ votes.
  • AI would separate legitimate results from falsified results. It will also
  • It is decentralised, against the first two generations of web, where governance and applications were centralized.
  • Web 3.0 is based on blockchain and is Cryptocurrency-enabled.
  • It will provide for more automation, largely powered by AI.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the foundational stage with Web 3.0, similar to Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 technologies. However, its way of connecting data sources and where data sources reside, is different from previous generations. Application and services use centralized database in Web 2.0. Web 2.0 can be defined as websites and applications that uses user-generated content for end users. It seeks to providing universal network connectivity & communication channels.



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