What is the current deadline to ratify the World Trade Organization (WTO)’s trade facilitation agreement (TFA)?

What is the current deadline to ratify the World Trade Organization (WTO)’s trade facilitation agreement (TFA)?
[A]December 2015
[B]March 2016
[C]April 2016
[D]December 2016

December 2015
The deadline to ratify the TFA is December 2015, after which it will come into force. According to WTO norms, for the TFA to come into force, two-thirds of the entire WTO membership must ratify the agreement. So far nine countries have ratified the deal. India has not ratified the TFA because India first wants a permanent solution to the issue of food security for public stockholding.

1 Comment

  1. kelvy

    August 20, 2015 at 9:32 am

    which 9 countries ratified this act?


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