What is Raman Chair?

The Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore was founded by Sir C. V. Raman in 1934. Professor Raman was elected the first president of the academy. To commemorate the memory of the academy’s founder, Government of India instituted the Raman Chair in 1972. Eminent scientists are invited by the Council of the Academy to occupy the Chair, for periods of between six weeks and six months.

In December 2009, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) also announced the establishment of Raman Chair in the University as an integral part of IGNOU’s School of Science (SOS). Ramn Chair in IGNOU is created to promote interdisciplinary research and teaching involving all four branches of basic sciences, particularly in the context of the eroding attraction and declining participation of youngsters towards science, scientific research and development.

UNESCO has been associated with the university in a number of fields, including journalism and media literacy, and hosting the Raman chair for science education.

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