What is meant by carry forward rule?

The carry forward rule envisaged that in a year, 17 ½ per cent posts were to be reserved for Scheduled Castes/ Tribes; if all the reserved posts were not filled in a year for want of suitable candidates from those classes, then shortfall was to be carried forward to the next year and added to the reserved quota for that year, and this could be done for the next two years.


  1. siddharth priyadarshi

    December 22, 2019 at 1:17 am

    didnt understand the last line of the elaboration which is metioned as, this could be done for the next two years.

  2. priya

    July 21, 2022 at 5:25 pm

    it means that if for the first year only 15% of reserved seats are filled and the remaining 2.5% are vacant then in the next year, % of reserved seat for that community will be increased from 17.5% to 20%(17.5+2.5=20)%
    and if again in the next year full seats are not filled, suppose only 19% was filled of 20% then the remaining 1% i.e, (20-19=1)% will be added to the 17.5% of the actual reserved seat that means 17.5+1= 18.5%
    but again if the seats are left vacant for the thrice year(meaning if 18.5% are not full filled) then the extension to the seats will not take place.
    conclusion is, added quota means increment in the quota but only for 2 years and not more than that.


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