What is Dark Energy?

Recently, an international team of researchers directly detected the dark energy with the help of advanced technologies and new experiments.


  • Dark energy is a mysterious form of energy, making up about 68% of the universe. This energy has intrigued physicists as well as astronomers for decades.
  • Researchers noticed some unexpected results in an underground experiment and noted that. dark energy may be responsible for it.

The XENON1T Experiment

XENON1T experiment is the most sensitive dark matter experiment in the world. It was operated deep underground at INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy. Finding of the experiment suggests that experiments like XENON1T could be used to detect dark energy.

What is Dark energy?

Dark energy makes up about 68% of the universe. 27% of the universe is made up of dark matter while planets, moons & massive galaxies make up only 5% of the universe. Dark matter attracts & holds galaxies together on the other hand, dark energy repels & causes the expansion of universe.

How dark energy was detected?

While conducting the XENON1T experiment, researchers reported an unexpected signal. There was some background noise and the electrons in XENON1T move a bit on their own even with no dark matter or dark energy around due to the noise. This excess was probably caused by the dark energy.

When dark energy can be directly detected?

As per researchers, upcoming upgrades to the XENON1T experiment and similar experiments like LUX-Zeplin could help in detecting the dark energy directly.


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