What are the ‘Canvasser’ method and ‘householder’ method of enumeration?

‘Canvasser’ and the ‘Householder’ methods are the two recognised methods of census enumeration.

  • Under the ‘Canvasser’ method the enumerator approaches every household and records the answer on the schedules himself after ascertaining the particulars from the head of the household or other knowledgeable persons in the  This is followed in India.
  • Under the ‘householder’ method the enumerator distributes the census schedules to each household in his jurisdiction and the head of the household is expected to fill the answer for all members of his household and the enumerator later collects back the answered schedules soon after the census day is over.
  • Since literacy is still low, the ‘canvasser’ method is the only practical method in India.

The Census of India is conducted once in a decade, following an extended de facto canvasser method. Under this approach, data is collected from every individual by visiting the household and canvassing the questionnaire all over the country, over a period of three weeks. The count is then updated to the reference date and time by conducting a Revisional Round. In the Revisional Round, changes in the entries that arise on account of births, deaths and migration between the time of the enumerator’s visit and the reference date/time are noted down and the record is updated.

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