Web Ratna Award – 2012- Golden Icon Award goes to DAVP

Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) has been honored with the prestigious Web Ratna 2012, ‘Golden Icon Award for Innovative use of Technology’.

Why was the award given to DAVP? Why Web Ratna Awards are given?

Why was the award given to DAVP?

The DAVP Website (http:/davp.nic.in/) has transformed the functioning of DAVP from manual mode to the online mode where the media plans are made and released for the end users. The website is the only advertising agency in the country which releases its designs, Release orders, payments online. The site has brought in transparency to the entire system in its billing as well as other procedures which have not only helped the organization but also its stakeholders. 
The entire chain has hugely added to the efficiency to the DAVP’s operation and vastly improved the satisfaction levels of the client ministries as well as newspapers, channels and other agencies.

Why Web Ratna Awards are given?
The Web Ratna awards, constituted by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, recognize exemplary initiatives/practices in the sphere of e-governance. In order to encourage more innovative e-governance initiatives, the Web Ratna Awards have been instituted under the scope of the National Portal of India.


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