WCD Ministry classified All Major Schemes under 3 Umbrella Schemes

The Ministry of Women and Child Development has announced to classify all the major schemes of the ministry for their effective implementation and programmes under the three Umbrella schemes namely, Mission Poshan 2.0, Mission Vatsalya and Mission Shakti.

How women and child are significant for Country?

As per the census 2011, the Women and Children accounts for 67.7% of India’s population. So, the empowerment & protection of women & children and ensuring their overall development is very crucial for the sustainable and equitable development of India. In this line, the Ministry of Women and Child Development seeks to ensure the well-nourished children growing in the safe and secure environment. It also seeks to empower the women by providing them an environment which is accessible, affordable, reliable and is free from discrimination & violence. The major objective of Ministry is to address the gaps in the State action for women & children and to promote the inter-ministerial & inter- sectoral convergence which in turn will help in creating the gender equitable & child centred legislation, policies and programmes.

Mission Shakti

The Indian Constitution has granted equal rights to women and men with respect to the freedom and opportunity. So, to make woman the author of her destiny there is a need to adopt a continuum approach so as to create an ecosystem which can addresses the inherent biases in the society. There is also the need to create an inclusive society wherein the women & girls have equal access to resources & opportunities. This will enable them to participate in the social, economic and political development of the country. To achieve this objective, Mission Shakti was launched.

Mission Poshan 2.0

The government is launching the Mission Poshan 2.0 after merging the Supplementary Nutrition Programme and Poshan Abhiyan. This will help strengthening the delivery, outreach, nutritional content, and outcomes.


This mission was launched with the objective of ensuring the safety and well-being of children.


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