Watts on the moon challenge- Phase 2

American Space Agency NASA have planned to return to the Moon using innovative technologies, under Artemis, in a bid to explore more lunar surface than ever before.

Key Facts

  • These technologies will require lunar surface systems, which can deliver continuous, reliable power for supporting mining and construction, human habitation and research activities.
  • Newest phase of “Watts on the Moon Challenge” will offer up to USD 4.5 million in prizes to design, construct and demonstrate a prototype, which addresses technology gaps in energy storage and power transmission.
  • Minimizing system mass and Maximizing system efficiency will be an important part of what participants address in their designs, provided that, transportation of needed equipment will require multiple missions to sustain human presence on the lunar surface.
  • This challenge seeks advanced technology, which is well-positioned to progress toward future operation and flight readiness on the lunar surface after the challenge.

Significance of the challenges

Challenges like Watts on the Moon provide chance to utilize creativity of academia, industry, and public to power return to the Moon.

Phase 1 of Watts on the Moon

Phase 1 of Watts on the Moon was opened in September 2020. It was focused on ideation of energy management, storage solutions and distribution. In May 2021, seven winners were awarded a total of USD 500,000. Teams were required to submit ideas in Phase 1, in order to support aspects of a hypothetical mission scenario that is, harvesting water and oxygen from a dark crater at the South Pole of the Moon.

Phase 2 of Watts of the Moon

NASA is now inviting applications to Phase 2 of Watts of the Moon. NASA has invited previous participants as well as in Phase 2. This phase will last for around 30 months. It will take place in three segments, called competition levels. In each level, eligible teams will submit the required materials. They will be evaluated on their submission.

Who manages the challenge?

Watts on the Moon Challenge is managed by Centennial Challenges. It is based at agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.



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