Vertically Transmitted Infections

A baby, born to a COVID-19 affected woman, tested positive for the disease in London. However, experts maintain that there is no evidence for vertical transmission of the virus.

About Vertical Transmission

Infections caused by pathogenic organisms (like viruses and bacteria) that use the mother-to-child route for transmission are called vertically transmitted infections. Such infections are passed on from the mother to the embryo, foetus or the baby during pregnancy or childbirth.


Several diseases are spread through vertical transmission. Eg: TORCH complex including rubella, herpes simplex virus, etc. Infections like chickenpox, HIV, zika fever, syphilis, chlamydia etc. are other infections that spread from mother to child. Such transmissions can result in impairment of hearing, vision, mental retardation, autism and in some cases, death.

In COVID-19 Case

The experts at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) said that there are no evidences for the vertical transmission in COVID-19. This implies that the virus won’t cause any abnormalities in the child. It also maintained that the COVID-19 infection does not lead to miscarriage.


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