Uttarakhand opens Biodiversity Park

The State of Uttarakhand has recently opened a biodiversity park in Haldwani as the rich botanical heritage of the state is facing threats from climate change and degrading habitat loss, degrading landscapes and development activities.


The Park was established on World Environment Day. The hill state that is rich in biodiversity has been losing flora and fauna due to the following reasons

  • Climate Change
  • Fragmentation of Habitat
  • Landscape Degradation


The main reason for the degradation of biodiversity in the state, especially in the hilly regions of the country is popularity that is gained by food products from hilly regions of the country. The foods have been labelled “Super Foods”. While, the hills are converted into plantation, very little efforts are put in to conserve the forests.

Impact on local food

The new plantations coming up in the hilly regions of India are giving importance only to commercially profitable food items. This has led to threats of local food varieties.

About the park

There park consists of 40 thematic sections. It includes fruits, plant edible species and also plants of medicinal and commercial importance. The park also includes plants that have religious, cultural and historical significance.

The park also includes local food varieties. This mainly included wild berries such as Kaphal, Ghingharu, Hisalu and Kilmora. These berries naturally grow in the forests and consumed by the locals.


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