Uttar Pradesh Governor provided with additional charges of Madhya Pradesh

On June 29, 2020, the Uttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel was given the additional charges of Madhya Pradesh.


Smt Anandiben Patel was assigned with the additional charges as the Madhya Pradesh Governor Lal Ji Tandon fell ill and was taken to hospital.

Anandiben Patel

Anandiben was the former Chief Minister of Gujarat. She had also served as the Governor of Madhya Pradesh before.


The articles 153 to 167 deal with the state executives that includes Governor, Chief Minister and the Advocate General of the State.

Article 155

The Governor is appointed by the President of India under the article.

Article 163

Under Article 163, the President may make provisions as he thinks to discharge the functions of the Governor. In other words, a governor can be provided additional charges under this article.

Powers of Governor

The Governor has Executive, legislative, Financial and Judicial powers. When a person is appointed as the caretaker Governor of other states, he is entitled to get salaries of both states as decided by the President of India.


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