Uttar Pradesh-First State to Geo Tag Community Kitchens

On April 19, 2020, Uttar Pradesh became the first state to geotag community kitchens. Around 7,368 community kitchens located in 75 districts were geo tagged.


The State Government of Uttar Pradesh joined hands with Google to geo tag community kitchens in the state. The kitchens produce 12 lakh food packets per day.

The State Government mobilized state resources on massive scale to establish the kitchens. This was done through religious organizations and non-governmental organizations.

What is the issue?

The main problem faced by the state was influx of migrants. Also, there was lack of information among the population. They were unaware of the location of community kitchens and shelter homes.


An application has been developed by the Remote Sensing Application Centre (RSAC) to learn about the location of the community kitchens. The application was developed by feeding data of the latitudes and longitudes of the community kitchen. Apart from this, Google will also provide the location of these centres in its application.


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