Uttar Pradesh Assembly passes UP Revenue Code (Amendment) Bill, 2016

Uttar Pradesh Assembly passed the UP Revenue Code (Amendment) Bill 2016 replacing an ordinance issued by the Governor Ram Naik.
The Bill allows Dalits of the state to sell their land to non-Dalits in the state without approval of the administration even if their remaining holding is less than 3.5 acres.
Key facts

  • The bill seeks to bring changes existing revenue laws dating to the British era by further speeding up disposal of litigations over land ownership in rural areas.
  • It also provision that allows land owners lease out their land for share-cropping purpose without the fear of losing it after 12 years.
  • Ensures that wife gets equal rights on the gram samaj land given out on a lease signifying step towards empowerment of rural women.
  • The bill has provisions for setting up of a new judicial cadre that will look after land revenue disputes in order to end disputes especially in cases of partnership.



  1. shiv prakash rai

    March 15, 2016 at 3:31 pm


  2. shiv prakash rai

    March 15, 2016 at 3:31 pm


  3. Atul

    December 23, 2016 at 11:12 am

    By When , This will be effective & notified to all revenue departments ?

  4. Atul

    December 23, 2016 at 11:12 am

    By When , This will be effective & notified to all revenue departments ?


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