Use of Diuretics in Sports Frauds

Pakistan leg-spinner Yasir Shah was recently suspended provisionally by the International Cricket Council (ICC) for failing a dope test. He has tested positive for a diuretic. Diuretics are products that help to eliminate fluid from the body. They cause a loss of water by partially paralyzing water reabsorption, i.e. the rate of urination is elevated. In cricket, diuretics do not help in enhancing performances. They are generally used for reduction of weight. For example, in boxing, a boxer needs to lose weight to compete in a particular category. Diuretics are employed to treat hyper tension and high blood pressure.

But diuretics have a big role to play as a masking agent for other drugs including steroids and any medicines. A masking agent hides the intake of other drugs so that tests come out negative. A cricketer could use hydrocortisone to speed up the recovery from an injury. And he covers it up by taking a diuretic.

Anabolic steroid can help an athlete getting more power. In cricket, they can enhance a fast bowler’s performances.

Stimulants vs Steroids

A stimulant can delay fatigue, increase concentration. It is generally used by batsmen in cricket. Caffeine and ephedrine are some of the popular stimulants. On the other hand, steroids enhance muscle building, provide additional power.

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