US to resume IMET Programme for Pakistan

The United States President, Donald Trump on Friday, 4th January 2020 has decided to resume the International Military Education and Training(IMET) programme that was cut off in 2018 with Pakistan, while aid provided for the overall security assistance remains suspended.  From 15 years the United States has provided a sum close to USD 2 billion as security aid every year, which was suspended by the US President Donald Trump in 2018. Later in August 2018, the IMET programme was also cut off by the US for Pakistan.

The move for resuming the IMET programme for Pakistan comes immediately after the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo opting to call Pakistan Army Chief, General Qamar Bajwa instead of the head of Civil Administration in Pakistan, Imran Khan for discussing the fallout to the killing of the Iranian Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani by the US.

Mike Pompeo’s outreach to the Pakistani Military Leadership was highly criticised and termed as a “national embarrassment’ by the Pakistan People’s Party Leader, Farhatullah Babar.


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