US Space Legend John Glenn dead

John Hershel Glenn Jr. (1921-2016) was made history by becoming the first American to orbit the Earth circling it three times. He was an American aviator, engineer, astronaut from Ohio. He was an eminent fighter pilot in World War II and Korea with 5 Distinguished Flying Crosses and 18 clusters. Glenn was part of the “Mercury Seven” military pilots who had been picked by NASA to become first Astronauts of America. It was in 1962 when Glenn became part of the Friendship 7 mission to orbit the Earth and also the fifth man in space.

He was honoured with Congressional Space Medal of Honor in 1978 and was also inducted into the US Astronaut Hall of Fame in 1990. He also became the oldest person to fly in space as he flew as a crew member of the Discovery Space Shuttle. Presidential Medal of Freedom was also bestowed on him in 2012 by President Barack Obama.

Glenn passed away in Ohio after a stroke. He was suffering from ill health after a heart-valve replacement surgery in 2014.

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