US Patriot Shoots Down Kh-47 Kinzhal

On May 7, 2022, Ukraine announced that it had shot down a Kinzhal missile for the first time. The missile was targeted and brought down in the skies over Kyiv using a US Patriot air defense system. The downing of the Kinzhal missile is being viewed as a significant setback for Russia’s long-range air strikes campaign against Ukraine.

What is Kinzhal Missile?

Kinzhal is a Russian term that means dagger. In 2018, President Putin unveiled six next-generation weapons, and Kinzhal missile is one of them. The Kinzhal missile has a range of up to 2,000 km (1,250 miles) and travels at a speed ten times faster than the speed of sound, making it a challenging target to intercept. Additionally, the missile has the capability of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads.

Technical Specifications

The Kinzhal missile is 8 meters long, has a body diameter of 1 meter, and its launch weight is approximately 4,300 kg. The missile is intended to be fired from MiG-31 fighter jets at an altitude of around 18 km (59,000 ft). During all stages of the flight, the missile maneuvers to overcome hostile air defense systems.

Expert Opinions

While Russia claims the Kinzhal missile to be a “hypersonic” missile, the Center for Strategic and International Studies states that nearly all ballistic missiles reach hypersonic speeds at some point during their flight. The UK’s Ministry of Defense stated that the use of the Kinzhal missile was unlikely to materially affect the outcome of Russia’s campaign in Ukraine.

Differences between Kinzhal and its Predecessor

One major difference between Kinzhal and its predecessor is that it is launched using an airborne vehicle and not from the ground, making it less predictable and more difficult to intercept. The missile can easily strike key targets like command centers and, with its high speed, can penetrate even deeply buried bunkers.



1 Comment

  1. Shadowred

    May 9, 2023 at 11:15 am

    This is just a propaganda to sell the patriot missile…..🤣🤣🤣


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