US Congress turns US-India Defence ties into law

A law relating to US-India defence partnership cleared its major legislative obstacle as the Congress passed it. President Obama will put his signatures on the same in the next week following which all the successive Presidents will be legally bound to treat India as a major defence partner. The law is titled as “Enhancing Defence and Security Cooperation with India”. The section related to India has been embedded by an amendment in the National Defence Authorisation Act of 2017. The law will include expanded military-to-military engagement, increased defence trade and also increased cooperation on technological development.

Section 1292 of the NDAA binds the Defence Secretary and the Secretary of State to take steps for recognition of India as a major defence partner of US. The law also states to designate an individual with experience in defence acquisition and technology to ensure the success of US-India Defence Relationship and also solve all issues which impact US-India defence trade, security cooperation and opportunities for cooperation and co-development.

In addition, the NDAA 2017 also aims at collaborating with India to develop agreeable mechanisms for verification of security of defence articles, defence services, cyber security and also end-use monitoring  arrangements which are in line with US Law.

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